Monday, May 24, 2010


I'm feeling very relaxed and happy tonight.  I went to the 1890's House in Cedar Hill this weekend with my fellow officers of the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild.  What an amazing group of women!  We had an absolute blast.  It always amazes me how many wonderful people I have met through quilting.  The type of person that is drawn to quilting seems to have a big heart and a joy for life.  I have found this to be true in almost every quilt guild or group I have belonged to.  And I have been quilting for over 10 years, so I have meant a significant number of quilters over the years.  This particular group of women have become dear friends in an amazingly short amount of time.  We come from all walks of life and range in age from 26 to 51 and we just spent three straight days together talking non-stop, laughing til we cried, eating and sewing. None of us wanted to leave on Sunday.  I got a lot done over the weekend too!  I finished the May block for my virtual quilt bee New Kids on the Block.  And I finished this quilt top.  It was a kit I purchased several years ago and promptly put up on the shelf.  I think it needs a border and then I just need to layer it up and quilt it!  A very productive weekend.

I finished this quilt a couple of weeks ago and it has gone off to it's new home.  The recipient seemed to be very happy with it.  It was a wedding gift for a very dear friend.  I had a lot of fun making this one.  I love how the channel quilting turned out.  I pieced the back with leftovers.  Too fun!  I think it's a very happy quilt, what do you think? 


  1. i love the quilt on the laugh- that's the happy one you were referring to, right?

  2. That black and white quilt is gorgeous!!!

  3. Thanks, John'aLee! I don't know what took me so long to get that kit out and sew it up!
